Hey, I'm John!

My sister and I went to The Price is Right.

And she made me wear a funny shirt.

Because that's what older sisters do.

What's up with that shirt?!?!

Where did the idea of the shirt come from?

My sister. She has lots of ideas. Many of them involve making me look silly.

Why did you agree to wear it?

Older sisters have a lifetime of experience convincing their younger brothers to do things. This isn't even the worst example.

Why did she put her face on it?

It's probably best to not try to understand why. Just let it be what it is.

What did your mom think of all of this?

She thinks that we're both crazy. Which is probably true.

Would your sister ever wear a shirt with your face on it?


Do you have any advice for other younger brothers?

Try your best not to do what your older sister tells you to do. Even though we both know you probably will anyway.

What was attending the taping like?

It was amazing! I'd definitely recommend it to everyone.

This is the guy who writes the nametags. He ran out of room the first time so had to make a second attempt.

This is the producer who decides who gets selected to "Come on down!" Hint: Be energetic and interesting when speaking with him!

What was it like being asked to "Come on down!"?

What was it like when you heard your name called?

The studio is so loud so you don't actually hear it. So they question should be "what was it like when you saw them flash the big sign with your name on it?".

Does where you sit in the audience matter in getting picked?

Not at all. Though I did notice that they sat most of the young, attractive people in the first few rows. Sadly, they sat me in the back.

What was it like bidding while on contestent row?

All that ran through my head was "don't make a dumb bid, don't make a dumb bid."

Did the audience help you guess prices?

The audience just screams. Have you ever had 300 people screaming at you at once?

What did you think about when you went up on stage?

My only thought was "please don't be the Check Game."

What game did you end up playing?

The Check Game.

How did you guess the price to write on the check?

There was a guy in the audience who looked a bit like an accountant. I figured he knows the price of things and is good at math. So I went with the number he was yelling.

Did you win?

Technically, yes. But the real winner was probably the accountant.

What was it like spinning the wheel?

Super fun. But you don't get to enjoy it much because you're worried you're going to miss giving a shoutout to someone important.

How did you decide to bid instead of passing on the first showcase?

Well, they put my sister in the car so I pretty much had to at that point.

How did you decide what to bid in the showcase?

I couldn't find the accountant in the audience so I had to go with my own instinct. That was a bad strategy.

Were you bummed that you didn't win the showcase?

A little bit but also super happy for the other contestant. She was very excited and emotional after winning which was great to see.

Would you recommend other poeple attend a taping?

Of course! It's a great experience even if you don't get picked. (But even more fun if you do!)

This is the large sign they hold up so you know your name's been called to "Come on down!"

The large check that I wrote my number on during the game. It even has Drew Carey's signature!

The small card with the "actual retail price" that Drew reads off of during the showcase showdown.

Top 10 Unexpected Things From The Show

10) It takes 3 to 4 hours waiting in line to get into the show. It goes by quick though and they show highlights of past episodes and even have food available.

9) The producer only talks to each person for a few seconds to decide who should be selected. So make the most of it!

8) When you get inside the studio they are strategic about where they seat you. They want the people chosen for contestant's row coming from all area of the audience.

7) It's hard to hear other people's bids on contestant's row which is why people often ask "what was his/her bid?"

6) When looking to the audience for help with your bid, it's like a wall of sound smacking you in the face.

5) Drew Carey is really funny both on air and during the commecial breaks.

4) The showcase showdown wheel is smooth as butter.

3) All the contestant's had a really good time even if they didn't win. You get to know them better when filling out paperwork right after the show.

2) You have to wait until after the air date to receive your prizes.

1) You have to wait about three months from the taping date to the air date and not tell anyone what happened!